Articles | Volume 10, issue 5
Model experiment description paper
31 May 2017
Model experiment description paper |  | 31 May 2017

Historical greenhouse gas concentrations for climate modelling (CMIP6)

Malte Meinshausen, Elisabeth Vogel, Alexander Nauels, Katja Lorbacher, Nicolai Meinshausen, David M. Etheridge, Paul J. Fraser, Stephen A. Montzka, Peter J. Rayner, Cathy M. Trudinger, Paul B. Krummel, Urs Beyerle, Josep G. Canadell, John S. Daniel, Ian G. Enting, Rachel M. Law, Chris R. Lunder, Simon O'Doherty, Ron G. Prinn, Stefan Reimann, Mauro Rubino, Guus J. M. Velders, Martin K. Vollmer, Ray H. J. Wang, and Ray Weiss

Data sets

Historical greenhouse gas concentrations for climate modelling (CMIP6) M. Meinshausen, E. Vogel, A. Nauels, K. Lorbacher, N. Meinshausen, D. M. Etheridge, P. J. Fraser, S. A. Montzka, P. J. Rayner, C. M. Trudinger, P. B. Krummel, U. Beyerle, J. G. Canadell, J. S. Daniel, I. G. Enting, R. M. Law, C. R. Lunder, S. O'Doherty, R. G. Prinn, S. Reimann, M. Rubino, G. J. M. Velders, M. K. Vollmer, R. H. J. Wang, and R. Weiss

Short summary
Climate change is primarily driven by human-induced increases of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. Based on ongoing community efforts (e.g. AGAGE and NOAA networks, ice cores), this study presents historical concentrations of CO2, CH4, N2O and 40 other GHGs from year 0 to year 2014. The data is recommended as input for climate models for pre-industrial, historical runs under CMIP6. Global means, but also latitudinal by monthly surface concentration fields are provided.