Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Model experiment description paper
03 Jun 2019
Model experiment description paper |  | 03 Jun 2019

The Monash Simple Climate Model experiments (MSCM-DB v1.0): an interactive database of mean climate, climate change, and scenario simulations

Dietmar Dommenget, Kerry Nice, Tobias Bayr, Dieter Kasang, Christian Stassen, and Michael Rezny

Data sets

Monash Simple Climate Model (webpage interface) D. Dommenget, K. Nice, T. Bayr, D. Kasang, C. Stassen, and M. Rezny

Model code and software

Monash Simple Climate Model (webpage interface) D. Dommenget, K. Nice, T. Bayr, D. Kasang, C. Stassen, and M. Rezny

Short summary
This study describes the scientific basis for a public web page that gives access to a large set of climate model simulations. This web page is called the Monash Simple Climate Model. It provides access to more than 1300 experiments and has an interactive interface for fast analysis of the experiments and open access to the data. The study gives a short overview of the simulation experiments and discusses some of the results.