Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Model description paper
01 Feb 2019
Model description paper |  | 01 Feb 2019

Computing climate-smart urban land use with the Integrated Urban Complexity model (IUCm 1.0)

Roger Cremades and Philipp S. Sommer

Model code and software

IUCM 0.2.1: The Integrated Urban Complexity Model (Version v0.2.1) P. S. Sommer and R. Cremades

Video supplement

Movie S1. Evolution of the application of growth to Frankfurt, with a probabilistic model setting, showing how it would growth 58,000 inhabitants, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants R. Cremades and P. S. Sommer

Movie S2. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a polycentric city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants R. Cremades and P. S. Sommer

Movie S3. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a monocentric city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants R. Cremades and P. S. Sommer

Movie S4. Evolution of the transformation of the idealized example of a high density city, with a probabilistic model setting, showing its transformation until 1M inhabitants would be moved, in steps of 1,000 inhabitants R. Cremades and P. S. Sommer

Short summary
Our results show how to halve the energy consumption of urban transportation by transforming the city.